Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hello, I am Conrad and I reside in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have been a member of the United Methodist Church for 22 years and a constituant of the UMC for 5 years before that. I am currently a member of Quapaw Quarter United Methodist, a gay friendly congregation in downtown Little Rock.

I couldn't find the picture I wanted, but atleast this one is recent.

I guess I will start with the "WAY BACK" biography.
I was born in Houston Texas. When I was the ripe old age of One we moved to Lufkin TX, where I went to first grade. When I was almost 7, we moved to Little Rock, where I attended First Lutheran School (Now Christ Lutheran), and attended Grace Lutheran (LCMS).

By the time I was 13 I began questioning seriously the theology of the LCMS and the fact that they didn't ordain women or allow them into positions of authority. I visited and then joined the Unity Church in LR. The Unity church was very openminded and used inclusive language way back in the 1970's. This worked well for me, but then we moved to a small town and commuted to Little Rock for church. I began attending the UMYF in high school. I also was active in the Wesley foundation in College.

I went through a theological search trying to decide what faith I wanted to be during my college years. I visited many Christian churches as well as the local Reformed Temle and Baha'i worship center. I even made a shopping list for what I expected from a faith.

A. Must treat and respect men and women equally.
B. Must open the sacraments to all (i.e. open communion)
C. Must respect other faiths.
D. Must not expect all members to believe EXACTLY the SAME thing.

There were several churches that qualified on several accounts. At the time, there were no female priests in the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. There were a few Methodists, Presbyterians, Christians (DoC), Unitarian Universalists, and Unity female pastors.

One Sunday, I visited a United Methodist Church, and one pastor was a white woman, and the other was a black man, and the congregation was mixed. In 1988 I entered the candidacy program for ordained ministry and went before the pastor parish relations committee and the district board of ordained ministry. I was licensed as a local pastor, and served as Youth Pastor and then was appointed to a rural circuit in 1991 where I served until 1994. I resigned my appointment that circuit in 1994 because of my sexual orientation. I have preached as a lay speaker many times since then. I currently am Chair of Christian Education at Quapaw Quarter UMC.

I will bounce around my past, present, and a lot of thoughts as they come to me.

Shalom, Conrad


Blogger gavin richardson said...

welcome to the blogosphere and you next passion... well, if you like me it becomes that way.

10:34 PM CDT  

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