Saturday, March 11, 2006

Habeas Schmabeas

I was listening to This American Life on NPR last night and the show was discussing the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. We have been told by our government that the prisoners there were dangerous terrorists and that they did not have any right to The Geneva Conventions or habeas corpus.

Having listened to the show, I am quite disturbed that the truth has been so hidden from the American public to protect the image of George W. Bush. The vast majority of the prisoners there are non-combatants and are no threat to the United States. I have been uncomfortable with the lack of habeas corpus & Geneva Conventions all along, but sat back on my lazy butt because I actually believed our government when they told us that these people were truely dangerous terrorists.

I am posting this here because I am hoping that this might allow a few people to discover the truth, listen to the show, and put pressure on our government to end this injustice.

You may listen to the show at


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